Implements the planner based on different path planning algorithms, which are provided in OMPL.
namespace slope_constrained_planner
class Planner
- #include <planner.h>
Implements the planner based on different path planning algorithms, which are provided in OMPL.
Desciption: The main class in the software architecture. Creates an object from the chosen planner, sets the custom sampler and motion validator, and tries to find a path between the starting and goal points in the provided grid map.
Subclassed by slope_constrained_planner::PlannerRos
Public Functions
Planner(const ParamsConstPtr ¶ms = std::make_shared<const Params>())
Constructor for
class. Defines the state space and problem, sets the custom sampler and motion validator, and the planner algorithm.- Parameters:
params – contains required info about the planner name
void setMap(std::unique_ptr<grid_map::GridMap> &&map)
Sets the grid map’s different layers.
- Parameters:
map – grid map of the environment
PlannerStatus plan(const ob::ScopedState<> &start, const ob::ScopedState<> &goal)
Plans a path between start and goal states.
- Parameters:
start – Robots current state
goal – Chosen target state
- Returns:
og::PathGeometric getSolutionPath(const bool &simplify = false) const
Plans a path between start and goal states.
- Parameters:
simplify – Specifies whether the path would be simplified or not (default = false)
- Returns:
PathGeometric Found solution path computed by the geometric planner
Protected Attributes
std::shared_ptr<og::SimpleSetup> ss_
Simple setup attribute.
ParamsConstPtr params_
Contains some parameters such as planner name, verbose and map layers.
bool solved_ = {false}
Status of planner.
std::shared_ptr<ob::SE3StateSpace> space_
Defines the states in se3.
ob::StateSpacePtr space_real_vec_
Defines the states in R(3)
ob::ScopedState<ob::RealVectorStateSpace> state_pos_
An scoped state in R(3)
mutable std::mutex map_mutex_
Grid map process mutex.
SamplerAllocator sampler_allocator_
Sets the custom sampler class.
Planner(const ParamsConstPtr ¶ms = std::make_shared<const Params>())
class Planner