The defined parameters to be used in different components of the software architecture.
namespace slope_constrained_planner
struct Params
Public Members
std::string name = {"prm_star"}
std::string elevation_layer = {"elevation"}
double plan_time = {1.0}
unsigned int n_threads = {1}
double replan_freq = {0.5}
bool simplify_solution = {false}
bool snap_goal_to_map = {true}
struct slope_constrained_planner::Params::[anonymous] planner
double max_pitch_pert = {10.0 / 180 * M_PI}
double max_roll_pert = {3.33 / 180 * M_PI}
bool sample_from_distribution = {true}
bool use_inverse_vertex_density = {false}
bool use_max_prob_unknown_samples = {false}
double max_prob_unknown_samples = {0.1}
bool reach_min_phi = {false}
bool consider_theta = {false}
struct slope_constrained_planner::Params::[anonymous] sampler
double max_motion_slope = {15.0}
double max_motion_length = {2.0}
double min_motion_length = {1.0}
double max_motion_yaw_diff = {30.0}
double max_motion_slope_yaw_diff_free = {5.0}
double max_state_phi = {10.0}
double max_state_theta = {10.0}
struct slope_constrained_planner::Params::[anonymous] validator
std::string base_frame = {"base_link"}
double length = {1.05}
double width = {0.55}
double height = {0.2}
double x = {0.0}
double y = {0.0}
double z = {0.0}
struct slope_constrained_planner::Params::[anonymous]::[anonymous]::[anonymous] offset
struct slope_constrained_planner::Params::[anonymous]::[anonymous] torso
struct slope_constrained_planner::Params::[anonymous]::[anonymous]::[anonymous] offset
struct slope_constrained_planner::Params::[anonymous]::[anonymous]::[anonymous] reach
struct slope_constrained_planner::Params::[anonymous]::[anonymous] feet
struct slope_constrained_planner::Params::[anonymous] robot
bool verbose = {true}
std::string name = {"prm_star"}
struct Params