The software for this planner is based on OMPL, which consists of many state-of-the-art sampling-based motion planning algorithms. The required dependencies could be installed using the following command:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-ompl ros-noetic-grid-map-core ros-noetic-actionlib ros-noetic-geometry-msgs ros-noetic-grid-map-msgs ros-noetic-grid-map-ros ros-noetic-nav-msgs ros-noetic-roscpp ros-noetic-tf2-geometry-msgs ros-noetic-tf2-ros
Additionally, elevation_mapping ROS package was used to create a 2.5D map of the environment.
In order to test the software package in simulation environment, WoLF was used. This package provides whole-body controller, along with the robot description files and some interesting worlds for Boston Dynamics Spot robot, as well as several other famous quadruped robots.
Once the dependencies are met, the package can be installed as it follows:
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash
Usage in Simulation
In order to run the simulation environemnt, along with the elevation mapping package, the following launch file could be used:
roslaunch slope_constrained_planner_ros simulation.launch
Once the robot is spawned in a random point by
script, a random goal point would be chosen
on the map with a particular distance to robot. Then, robot would align to the goal point, and it would
tilt along it’s y-axiz by
script, in order to have a better view in the elevation map.
The planner node, could be launched using the following command:
roslaunch slope_constrained_planner_ros planner.launch
Once the solution path is found by the planner, the robot could move along the path, using the provided
roslaunch slope_constrained_planner_ros path_follower.launch
Usage in Real-World
Regarding the real-world usage with Boston Dynamics Spot CORE, the elevation mapping package, and spot ros packages could be launched using the command:
roslaunch slope_constrained_planner_ros navigation.launch
Moreover, the following command would make the robot stand up and wait for the waypoint on the found trajectory. Actually, it uses the commands on the Spot SDK, to perform the task of local path planning, based on the found global path by our planner.
rosrun slope_constrained_planner_ros
The planner node, could be launched using the following command:
roslaunch slope_constrained_planner_ros planner.launch
Once the path is found, the waypoints on the trajectory would be published to the local path planner
, using the following command:
rosrun slope_constrained_planner_ros
The parameters of planner components (e.g. sampler, motion validartor, planning algorithm), could be
modified in the file slope_constrained_planner/config/params.yaml
. Regarding the elevation map, the
configuration files are located in the same directory which are named map_sim.yaml
and map_real.yaml