Software Architucture

The software architucture of this experiment for both simulation and real world scenarios are represented in the following figures.



Real world:


The components of this software architucture can be described as follows:


  1. sampler: Uses the grid map data provided by the elevation_mapping node to sample random states. Each sampled state cosists of the position and orientation (in quaternion representation) data. In order to implement the robot’s heading constraint, once a random state is sampled from the grid map, roll and pitch angles are dervied from map, and then the state frame would rotate along its z-axis until the heading angle reaches the desired threshold.

  2. motion_validator: Considers the motion slope and length constraint. Additionally, if the motion slope is greater than a small value, the yaw difference between two states should not be greater than a threshold.

  3. planner: Uses the states found by the sampler and considering the motion constraints, tries to find the most optimal path (path length optimization objective), based on different planning algorithms provided by OMPL (e.g. PRMstar, LazyPRMstar, RRTstar and RRTsharp), and publishes it on /path topic.

  4. planner_ros: An inheritance from the planner base class, in order to be implemented in ROS environment.

  5. plan_to_goal_client: A helper node to get the goal pose from RViz and send it as a goal to the PlanningActionServer.

  6. path_follower (simulation): Implement a PID controller on the robot’s base, in order to move it through the found path.

  7. goal_publisher (real world): An auxiliary node, gets the next wapoint to go, and publishes it to the gotopoint local path planner.


  1. tf_to_pose: A helper node to convert the /tf data to pose in order to be used in the elevation_mappin node.

  2. elevation_mapping: Provides a grid_map of the environment using the /velodyne_point, /pose and /tf topics, and publishes it on the /elevation_mapping_raw topics.