Software Architucture

The software architucture is represented in the following figure.


The components of this software architucture can be described as follows:

robot URDF

The robot URDF in this package consists of a mobile base link provided with two cylindrical wheels, caster front and a manipulator with 5dof. This robot uses a laser scanner to detect the obstacles, and a camera for scanning the provided markers.



In order to simulate the states of the robot and its stimulus, the approach presented in the arch_skeleton example is used with some changes (e.g. battery level, base movement state).


The image processing part is done using OpenCV with the method presented in aruco_ros. In order to convert between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images, cv_bridge package is used.


Implemnts a service which responses the information for each room in the semantic map by getting call request with argument indicationg the room id.


The controller node for robot manipulator arm. The package my_moveit which is auto generated by MoveIt for robot URDF, implements this node. It provides joint trajectory effort controllers for robot arm in order to reach the desired joints configuration.


The node which is responsible for navigation. In this package, move_base node is used for finding the path between robot current position and target room position. It also drives the robot base link to move through the found path.


slam_gmapping is a widely used ROS package for mapping purposes. It uses robot laser scanner data along with robot base frame position in order to find robot in the map. Since there is map file provided in this package, it generates the map in an online manner.

finite state machin

The main part of software architucture, defines the states and transitions for the finite state machine of the robot behaviour. It is implemented using the method presented in smach It also uses helper script which is based on aRMOR to update the ontology while the process is running.



It is used for manipulating the ontology and getting information in a query throgh finite_state_machine node.