Source code for utilities.ontological_robot_control.topological_map

#!/usr/bin/env python
.. module:: topological_map
    :platform: Unix
    :synopsis: the topological_map python script in ontological_robot_control package

.. moduleauthor:: Ali Yousefi <>

Uses Service:

Uses helper script:

Defines the topological map using the ```` helper script methods and the
ontology file ``topological_map.owl``, which is not complete (only contatins class definitions)
import rospy
from os.path import dirname, realpath
from ontological_robot_control import architecture_name_mapper as anm
from assignment2.srv import GetPose, GetBatteryLevel
from assignment2.msg import Point
from armor_api.armor_client import ArmorClient

[docs]class TopologicalMap: """ Class for implemnting the topological map. When an instance is taken from this class, it loads the ontology file using ``armor_client`` loading method and tries to complete it by adding rooms, doors and robot individuals, disjointing them, predefining the last visit times and placing the robot to room "E" by calling the corresponding functions which use ``armor_client`` methods. """ def __init__(self, log_tag, init_time): self.log_tag = log_tag self.init_time = init_time # Build topological map self.path = dirname(realpath(__file__)) self.path = self.path + "/../../ontology/" self.client = ArmorClient("ontology", "ontology_reference") self.client.utils.load_ref_from_file(self.path + "topological_map.owl", " ", False, "PELLET", False, False) self.client.utils.set_log_to_terminal(True) self.add_robot()
[docs] def add_room(self, room): """ Adds room to the topological map using ``armor_client`` add individual to class method and finaly syncs the reasoner Args: room(string) """ self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class(room, "ROOM") self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner()
[docs] def add_door(self, door): """ Adds door to the topological map using ``armor_client`` add individual to class method and finaly syncs the reasoner Args: door(string) """ self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class(door, "DOOR") self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner()
[docs] def disjoint_individuals(self): """ Disjoints every individual in each class using ``armor_client`` disjoint individuals of class method and finally syncs the reasoner """ self.client.manipulation.disj_inds_of_class("ROOM") self.client.manipulation.disj_inds_of_class("DOOR") self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner()
[docs] def assign_doors_to_room(self, room, doors): """ Assigns the doors to the corresponding room using ``armor_client`` add object to individual method and finally syncs the reasoner Args: room(string) doors[](string) """ for i in range(len(doors)): self.client.manipulation.add_objectprop_to_ind("hasDoor", room, doors[i]) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner()
[docs] def add_last_visit_time(self, room, visit_time): """ Defines the initial last visit times using ``armor_client`` add data to individual method and finally syncs the reasoner Args: room(string) visit_time(string) """ self.client.manipulation.add_dataprop_to_ind("visitedAt", room, "Int", visit_time) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner()
[docs] def add_robot(self): """ Places the robot in room "E" and sets its initial time instance and battery level and defines its urgency and battery threshold using ``armor_client`` add data and object to individual methods and finally syncs the reasoner """ self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class("Robot", "ROBOT") self.client.manipulation.add_dataprop_to_ind("now", "Robot", "Int", str(self.init_time.secs)) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() self.client.manipulation.add_objectprop_to_ind("isIn", "Robot", self.get_location()) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() self.client.manipulation.add_dataprop_to_ind("visitedAt", self.get_location(), "Int", str(self.init_time.secs)) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() self.client.manipulation.add_dataprop_to_ind("batteryLvl", "Robot", "Int", str(self.get_battery_level())) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() self.client.manipulation.add_dataprop_to_ind("urgencyThreshold", "Robot", "Int", "7") self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() self.client.manipulation.add_dataprop_to_ind("batteryThreshold", "Robot", "Int", "400") self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner()
[docs] def cut_dataprop(self, data_prop): """ Cuts the data property from a string received from armor. Args: data_prop(string) """ start = 0 end = data_prop.rfind('^') - 2 data_prop = data_prop[(start+1) : end] return data_prop
[docs] def cut_dataprop_list(self, data_prop_list): """ Cuts the data property from a list of strings received from armor. Args: data_prop_list(string[]) """ for i in range(len(data_prop_list)): data_prop_list[i] = self.cut_dataprop(data_prop_list[i]) return data_prop_list
[docs] def cut_objprop(self, obj_prop): """ Cuts the object property from a string received from armor. Args: obj_prop(string) """ start = obj_prop.rfind('#') + 1 end = obj_prop.rfind('#') + 2 obj_prop = obj_prop[(start+1) : end] return obj_prop
[docs] def cut_objprop_list(self, obj_prop_list): """ Cuts the object property from a list of strings received from armor. Args: obj_prop_list(string[]) """ for i in range(len(obj_prop_list)): obj_prop_list[i] = self.cut_objprop(obj_prop_list[i]) return obj_prop_list
[docs] def get_battery_level(self): """ Retrieve the current robot battery level by the ``state/battery_level`` server of the ``robot-state`` node. Returns: battery_level(int) """ # Eventually, wait for the server to be initialised. rospy.wait_for_service(anm.SERVER_GET_BATTERY_LEVEL) try: # Call the service and get a response with the current robot battery level. service = rospy.ServiceProxy(anm.SERVER_GET_BATTERY_LEVEL, GetBatteryLevel) response = service() battery_level = response.battery_level # Log service response. # log_msg = f'Retrieving current robot battery level from the `{anm.NODE_ROBOT_STATE}` node as: {battery_level}.' # rospy.loginfo(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag)) return battery_level except rospy.ServiceException as e: log_msg = f'Server cannot get current robot battery level: {e}' rospy.logerr(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag))
[docs] def get_pose(self): """ Retrieve the current robot pose by the ``state/get_pose`` server of the ``robot-state`` node. Returns: pose(Point) """ # Eventually, wait for the server to be initialised. rospy.wait_for_service(anm.SERVER_GET_POSE) try: # Call the service and get a response with the current robot position. service = rospy.ServiceProxy(anm.SERVER_GET_POSE, GetPose) response = service() pose = response.pose # Log service response. # log_msg = f'Retrieving current robot position from the `{anm.NODE_ROBOT_STATE}` node as: ({round(pose.x, 2)}, {round(pose.y, 2)}).' # rospy.loginfo(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag)) return pose except rospy.ServiceException as e: log_msg = f'Server cannot get current robot position: {e}' rospy.logerr(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag))
[docs] def get_location(self): """ Detects robot current position using ``get_pose()`` function and then checks in which room it is, considering the ```` file. Returns: is_in(string) """ pose = Point() pose = self.get_pose() if pose.y >= 5.5: is_in = "E" elif pose.x <= -3.75 and pose.y >= -0.75 and pose.y < 5.5: is_in = "R1" elif pose.x <= -3.75 and pose.y < -0.75: is_in = "R2" elif pose.x > -3.75 and pose.x <= 1.25 and pose.y < 5.5: is_in = "C1" elif pose.x > 1.25 and pose.x <= 6.25 and pose.y < 5.5: is_in = "C2" elif pose.x > 6.25 and pose.y >= -0.75 and pose.y < 5.5: is_in = "R3" elif pose.x > 6.25 and pose.y < -0.75: is_in = "R4" return is_in
[docs] def update_ontology(self, now): """ The function which is called in ``finite_state_machine`` node, it gets current time instance as an argument, it gets robot current location using ``get_location()`` function, it gets robot current battery level using ``get_battery_level()`` function, and updates them in the ontology. It sorts the last visit times and detects which room is the most behind and sets it as the target room. It detects the urgent rooms considering the last visit times and robot urgeny threshold and updates them in the ontology, finally, it returns the target room as it is found.If the battery level is high enough otherwise it returns room "E" as target room, and battery level state. Args: now(float32) Returns: target_room(string) battery_low(bool) """ # Update robot time instance prev_time = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("now", "Robot"))[0] self.client.manipulation.replace_dataprop_b2_ind("now", "Robot", "Int", str(now.secs), prev_time) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() # Update battery level prev_battery_level = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("batteryLvl", "Robot"))[0] battery_level = str(self.get_battery_level()) self.client.manipulation.replace_dataprop_b2_ind("batteryLvl", "Robot", "Int", battery_level, prev_battery_level) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() # Update robot location prev_loc = self.cut_objprop_list(self.client.query.objectprop_b2_ind("isIn", "Robot"))[0] loc = self.get_location() self.client.manipulation.replace_objectprop_b2_ind("isIn", "Robot", loc, prev_loc) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() #Update last visited time prev_time = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("visitedAt", loc))[0] self.client.manipulation.replace_dataprop_b2_ind("visitedAt", loc, "Int", str(now.secs), prev_time) self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() # Detect target room visitedAt_E = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("visitedAt", "E"))[0] visitedAt_R1 = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("visitedAt", "R1"))[0] visitedAt_R2 = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("visitedAt", "R2"))[0] visitedAt_R3 = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("visitedAt", "R3"))[0] visitedAt_R4 = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("visitedAt", "R4"))[0] visitedAt_C1 = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("visitedAt", "C1"))[0] visitedAt_C2 = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("visitedAt", "C2"))[0] visitedAt_dict = {visitedAt_R1: "R1", visitedAt_R2: "R2", visitedAt_R3: "R3", visitedAt_R4: "R4", visitedAt_C1: "C1", visitedAt_C2: "C2", visitedAt_E: "E"} visitedAt_dict = dict(sorted(visitedAt_dict.items())) room_list = list(visitedAt_dict.values()) target_room = room_list[0] # Detect urgent locations urgency_threshold = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("urgencyThreshold", "Robot"))[0] if now.secs - int(visitedAt_E) > int(urgency_threshold): self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class("E", "URGENT") else: self.client.manipulation.remove_ind_from_class("E", "URGENT") if now.secs - int(visitedAt_R1) > int(urgency_threshold): self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class("R1", "URGENT") else: self.client.manipulation.remove_ind_from_class("R1", "URGENT") if now.secs - int(visitedAt_R2) > int(urgency_threshold): self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class("R2", "URGENT") else: self.client.manipulation.remove_ind_from_class("R2", "URGENT") if now.secs - int(visitedAt_R3) > int(urgency_threshold): self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class("R3", "URGENT") else: self.client.manipulation.remove_ind_from_class("R3", "URGENT") if now.secs - int(visitedAt_R4) > int(urgency_threshold): self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class("R4", "URGENT") else: self.client.manipulation.remove_ind_from_class("R4", "URGENT") if now.secs - int(visitedAt_C1) > int(urgency_threshold): self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class("C1", "URGENT") else: self.client.manipulation.remove_ind_from_class("C1", "URGENT") if now.secs - int(visitedAt_C2) > int(urgency_threshold): self.client.manipulation.add_ind_to_class("C2", "URGENT") else: self.client.manipulation.remove_ind_from_class("C2", "URGENT") self.client.utils.sync_buffered_reasoner() urgent_rooms = self.client.query.ind_b2_class("URGENT") # Log updated information log_msg = 'Ontology Updated...' rospy.loginfo(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag)) log_msg = 'battery level: ' + self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("batteryLvl", "Robot"))[0] rospy.loginfo(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag)) log_msg = 'current location: ' + loc rospy.loginfo(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag)) log_msg = 'urgent locations: ' rospy.loginfo(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag)) for i in range(0,len(urgent_rooms)): log_msg = urgent_rooms[i] rospy.loginfo(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag)) # Define priority for target room battery_threshold = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("batteryThreshold", "Robot"))[0] battery_lvl = self.cut_dataprop_list(self.client.query.dataprop_b2_ind("batteryLvl", "Robot"))[0] if int(battery_lvl) > int(battery_threshold): battery_low = False log_msg = 'next target room: ' + target_room rospy.loginfo(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag)) else: battery_low = True log_msg = 'battery low, moving to charger' rospy.loginfo(anm.tag_log(log_msg, self.log_tag)) target_room = 'E' return [target_room, battery_low]