Welcome to ros-moveit-opencv-ontology’s documentation!


This package is an experiment to use a topological map ontology for controling a robot using ROS. The ontology consists of an indoor environment with multiple rooms and a mobile robot.


The robot starts in room E and by scanning the provided markers, it receives the information to build the semantic map, i.e., the name and center position of each room and the connections between them.

Once the semantic map is built, robot has to start moving among the rooms with the policy that each room that has not been visited for a long time, would be selected as the target room. Everytime the robot gets to the target room, it has to scan the room environment as it did for the first time with the markers.

When the robot battery is low, it goes to the charger which is placed in room E, sand wait for some times before to start again with the above behavior.


Indices and tables